Ever wish you could take a swim in your clean inground pool without finding sand that ruins your experience?
Sand accumulation can be a common and frustrating issue, whether it's due to a malfunctioning filter, nearby landscaping, or even just the wind.
Not only does sand make your pool look dirty, but it can also damage your pool equipment if not addressed promptly.
In this article, we'll share proven methods and knowledgeable tips to effectively removing sand from your pool, ensuring it stays clean and inviting for all your aquatic adventures.
Tools And Equipment Needed
In order to remove sand from your pool, first collect the following tools and equipment:
A pool vacuum (either manual or automatic)
A telescoping pole
A pool brush
A leaf rake or skimmer net
A pool filter (make sure it's clean and works properly)
A garden hose
Step-by-Step Guide To Removing Sand
Pool sand removal is an essential step in ensuring the water remains clean and the equipment works properly so that optimal performance is achieved.
Sand can pile up in your pool for numerous reasons, either environmental factors or equipment malfunctions.
To keep your pool clean and inviting, it is necessary to adhere to a systematic course of action.
The following steps will guide you through the sand removal from your pool procedure, thus helping you tackle the issue fast and enjoy the best pool conditions again.
1. Manual Pool Vacuum Method
A portable pool vacuum is a very handy tool for the quick and proper removal of sand from your pool.
Here's how to use it:
Vacuum Assembly
Attach the telescoping pole vacuum head with the hose to the vacuum head.
Hose Prime
Under the vacuum, move the head and hose into the pool to allow the air to escape from the hose.
You can do this either by pushing the hose directly down into the water until no bubbles are coming out or by holding one end of the hose under a return jet until the bubbles stop.
Connect The Skimmer
Keeping the vacuum head under water, connect the other end of the hose to the skimmer or vacuum port.
Vacuum The Pool
Carefully proceed with the vacuuming chip over the areas that have sand. Be slow and deliberate in moving to keep the sand from being stirred up, which may make it harder to remove.
2. Automatic Pool Vacuum Method
Though they are not the fastest gadgets, these automatic pool cleaners are very handy and can save you time.
However, if your pool has fine sandy particles, these machines won't be able to deal with them thoroughly. To use an automatic vacuum:
Set Up The Vacuum
Be sure to read the automatic pool vacuum guidelines as well as set it up according to the manufacturer's directions.
Run The Vacuum
Don't stop until the vacuum has been running for the recommended time. Make sure it works in every area of the pool.
Also, inspect the vacuum sometimes to confirm that it's working properly.
3. Brushing The Pool
Brushing the pool walls and the floor before vacuuming can help the sand be collected in more appropriate places.
Use a Pool Brush
Attach a pool brush to a telescoping pole.
Push The Sand to the Drain
Direct the sand to the main drain or a middle spot. Hence, it is simpler to vacuum the sand in one piece.
4. Using a Leaf Rake or Skimmer Net
Using a leaf rake or skimmer net can help you get rid of bigger stuff and smaller sand.
Skim The Pool Surface
Keep the skimmer net on the surface of the water and fish out the rubbles floating on the water.
Rake The Pool Floor
With a leaf rake, gradually and slowly pile up sand so that you can vacuum it. Ease the flow of the vacuum cleaner by moving the rake in the direction of the vacuum cleaner.
Understanding The Problem: Sources Of Sand in Your Pool
In the removal process, it is essential to understand that the sand that accumulates in your swimming pool comes from different environmental factors, mainly wind, which causes it to settle in the pool, swimmer activity, and poorly maintained sand filters that do not properly filter out sand.
So the sand in your pool can result from several factors, including:
Environmental Factors: Wind is able to drive sand and dirt into your pool, to which you are highly susceptible, especially if you live in a sandy or dusty area.
Swimmer Activity: Swimmers can actually carry particles of sand that might be transferred from their feet and bodies into the swimming pool.
Pool Equipment Malfunction: There is a possibility of reversing a sand filter in the pool when it has some damage or malfunctioning sand filter equipment.
Construction and Landscaping: The ongoing building of a swimming pool or landscaping in the locality may also provide the sand and wreckage.
Are you worried about the sand in your swimming pool? Get in touch with a pool maintenance professional today so that they can analyze your issue, do the required repairs, and maintain the look of your pool. Fixing the initial causes will give you a guarantee that your swimming activity will be clean and fun.
Preventing Sand Accumulation
Prevention is key when it comes to keeping a pool free from sand.
Here are some tips:
Maintain Pool Surroundings: Sand should not be anywhere near the pool if it is to be kept clean and not sandy. Using landscaping materials such as pebbles, mulch, and others, which will not allow blowing or tracking in of the sand.
Foot Bathing is Prized: The use of foot baths or rinsing stations placed near the pool can instill the habit of rinsing off the feet of the swimmers before entering the pool.
Cover Your Pool: Besides using a pool cover when the pool is not in use, such as during windy weather or if a dust storm is expected, also cover the pool during windy weather.
Regular Maintenance: Conduct frequent checks of the filtration system to ensure the pool’s filtration system is functioning effectively.
Professional Help
In some cases, the sand accumulation process can be difficult to tackle alone, especially if it is caused by equipment malfunctions or environmental factors.
In such cases, professional assistance is recommended:
Pool Inspection: Have an expert check the pool and filtration system for problems and repair them if necessary.
Regular Service: Arrange for a professional to conduct frequent pool maintenance to keep your pool clean and well-maintained.
Maintaining a Sand-Free Inground Pool
Swimming in joy means getting rid of sand from the inground pool.
By adopting the right tools and techniques, you can effectively get the sand out and keep a pool as clean as a whistle.
Don't forget about the equipment, and periodically inspect and maintain the pool in order to avoid sand concentration in the future.
For professional pool installation and maintenance services, including fibreglass and Gunite pool installations, contact us today.
In addition, we have a selection of hot tubs and free-standing spas that will enhance your pool experience.